Saturday, August 4, 2012

Keukenhof Gardens in Lisse, Holland Netherlands

I end this day with this photograph that I found on the internet reminds me of peacefulness and tranquility.

Hedge Rose

These"Red Freedom" hedge roses are truly my pride and joy. Just the fact that they are zone 4 makes me proud to see them reappear this year with such beauty. I did take steps to protect them during our winter months. I am not sure that they will ever make a true hedge for me because of our short growing season but none-the-less I enjoy blooms from 3rd week of July until first frost. Brilliant, fragrant and virtually maintenance free. Last year I cut all the blooms off just before first frost and gave one to each of the women I work with...because I felt it was such a waste to see them die without a purpose.

Helianthus (Sunflower)

This is an ornamental sunflower. The seeds are not edible. On my particular plant, there are 8 flower heads, only one in which is in full bloom at this moment. It currently stands about 2 ft high. It is only hardy to -7 degrees Celsius or 20 degrees Fahrenheit which means I will not see it again next year.


While having a self-pity moment this morning, I noticed the way the sunlight was beaming down on my begonia. Certainly did elevate my spirits and I was glad to have my camera nearby.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Canavalia rosea (Bay Bean)

This is an odd looking flower but intriguing. From the pea family, this is a trailing vine with stems reaching up to 20 ft long. This plant is not from my garden and but can be found in upper beaches, cliffs, and dunes throughout the world's coastal tropics.

Zonal Geranium

This annual variety is the "Rocky Mountain Red". Geraniums are named for the horseshoe-shaped band of dark color in the leaves. They grow nearly 1 ft high.


I found this to be an odd but interesting plant. I took these pictures as it progressed through its stages.

Stage 1: No bigger than a dime

Stage 2: A large colorful flower

Stage 3: Petals start to droop and center begins to bulge

Stage 4: The final stage (about a month later)

Here is a picture of the total plant

Gaillardia is a blanket flower. This is one of many varieties referred to as the “Arizona Sun”.  This perennial is a genus from the sunflower family. The plant grows to 1 to 2 ft tall.(Zone 3)

Cherry Blossom Walk, Sakura, Japan

 Photo: Cherry Blossom Walk, Sakura, Japan...

The blooming of cherry trees is a beloved natural spectacle in Japan, where it sparks a nationwide string of parties and celebrations to take in the flowers

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Features bright scarlet-red flowers, arranged in large shaggy heads. The foliage is fragrant. A favorite for butterflies and hummingbirds. With a growth of two to three feet in height and about 2 feet wide, it is an excellent choice for border gardens (Zone 3)