Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Whole Lot of Green and a Splash of Color

These photographs that I took at the Calgary Zoo have one thing in common; the primary color in each photograph is green but each photograph has its own splash of vivid colors marked with a blossom much smaller than the leaves that protrude from their stems.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Garden Photographs Helping Me Celebrate an Anniversary

This weekend was a time of reflection for me as it is the one year anniversary of an event that changed me forever. Although happy times prevailed, much of the year was a struggle and sometimes downright painful. I learned not to take things for granted and that there is not always a second chance. But I was introduced to so much more than I would have ever been had this event not occurred and as a result a new me emerged; spiritually, emotionally and physically...and for this I am thankful.

I post these photographs that were taken at the Calgary Zoo. To me they symbolize renewal, growth, and resiliency. Through the power of gardening and