Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Spring Flower

Tulip are one of the earliest flowers to blossom. They are also one of the earliest to finish. However,they do add brightness to a spring garden. These Photographs were taken at Reader Rock Garden in Calgary.

Did you know: 
  • If you dig up a tulip bulb in midsummer, it's not the same bulb you planted last fall. It's her daughter. Even while the tulip is blossoming, the bulb is dividing for the next generation.
  • To get the longest vase life, cut tulip stems diagonally, then wrap the upper two-thirds of the flowers in a funnel of newspaper and stand them in cool water for an hour or two. Then, recut the stems and the tulips will last at least a week.
  • In 17th-century Holland, the new tulip was such the rage and fashion that a handful of bulbs was worth about $44,000.
taken from