Saturday, August 11, 2012


This hybrid is named "ArĂ©tes Upright Ernie" I have two of these in my garden. Consists of many blooms per plant. My plants stand about 10 inches high. Some species can reach upwards to 12 feet. The Kotukutuku (Fuchsia excorticata) is unusual in the genus in being a tree, growing up to 39–49 ft tall.


This hybrid of the Dahlia is called "bloomin crazy". The Dahlia is related species include the sunflower, daisy, chrysanthemum and zinnia. The herbaceous perennial plant were used for a food source by the indigenous peoples, and were both gathered in the wild and cultivated. The Aztecs used them to treat epilepsy, and employed the long hollow stem of the (Dahlia imperalis) for water pipes

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Paeonia cambessedesii (Peony)

Not from my garden

In my last post I referred to the Balearic Islands. I then began to wonder what kind of foliage they have there. The Balearic Islands is an autonomous community of Spain, located off the coast of Spain. This peony is native to the island, withstands temperatures to -5C. I do have a special place in my heart for peonies simply because I was recently introduced to them.

Dianthus Caryophyllus (Carnation)

I accidentally pulled this one out of the garden this morning but did not want to see it not serve a purpose. This plant stands just over one foot and has many blooms.

In researching the carnation, I was fascinated to find that it is an extremely symbolic flower. Carnations express love, fascination, and distinction, though there are many variations dependent on colour. Carnation is the national flower of Spain, Monaco, and Slovenia, and the provincial flower of the autonomous community of the Balearic Islands.

Pink carnations are the official flower of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority because they are long lasting flowers. In Korea, red and pink carnations are used for showing their love and gratitude toward their parents on Parents Day. Pink carnations have the most symbolic and historical significance. According to a Christian legend, carnations first appeared on Earth as Jesus carried the cross. The Virgin Mary shed tears at Jesus' plight, and carnations sprang up from where her tears fell. Thus the pink carnation became the symbol of a mother's undying love.

I will never look at a carnation as just a flower. Its ironic that this is the flower, other than roses, that I choose to bring to my late partners final resting spot when I go to visit.

Pelargonium hortorum (Zonal Geranium)

I have two of these. This one stands about 15 inches high. Not sure what color my other flower will be but it will bloom in a few days.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A single rose

I end my day by posting this photo. I often choose photos based on my mood and this represents me at this moment. A lone rose that is content and at peace but waiting to see what the future holds, ready to grab on to that next opportunity. Good night all

Double Impatiens

This variety is called Stardust Pink. The blooms resemble miniature roses which explains why I like this plant so much. It blooms from spring to first frost. Another low maintenance plant.


I have many colors of petunias in my garden. I think red is my favorite. You definitely cannot go wrong with this flower. Extremely easy to care for.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Althaea (Rose of Sharon)

This rose is not from my garden. It is a multi-stemmed shrub but can be pruned and trained to be a single trunk tree. Zone 5-9 so I guess I will never have the pleasure of having one in my backyard. This is my last post today.

Balsam (Impatiens)

Doing a little research on this flower, I discovered that Impatiens actually have a medicinal purpose in that extracted substances from it can be used on bee stings. Some species of this plant is used in hair dyes, henna coloring for tattoo's and fingernail polish, I planted several of these in amongst my Hostas. They add a slight punch of color.


This flower, picture that I took this morning, is from a nicotine plant. Variations of these plants are cultivated for tobacco. This plant has a long historical ceremonial use in American Native cultures and the Aztecs considered it a sacred herb

Monday, August 6, 2012

Simply Beautiful

I knew had to include this photo. It comes from a face book group that I belong to called Flower Photography . Something about this photo almost shouts out the meaning of existence.

This is my last post of the day.

Ipomoea (Sweet Georgia Heart Red)

This particular plant is just amazing for its color. It is a annual that requires very little maintenance. An excellent choice for a garden bed and looks superb among the other plants of vibrant colors.


This morning I thought I would showcase my hostas. I have 5 hostas that are doing exceptionally well this year. Hostas are herbaceous perennial plants. They are generally easy and long-lived garden plants, relatively disease free, requiring little care other than watering and some fertilizer to enhance growth.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Butchart Gardens



As my last post of the evening I thought I would highlight a world famous garden. Established in 1904, the Butchart Gardens is one of the world's premier floral show gardens. Located in greater Victoria on Vancouver Island, it consists of 55 acres of floral bliss. It has been designated a National Historic Site of Canada. I have had an opportunity to visit this garden twice in my life and truly enjoyed it each time.

Chrysanthemum Marifolium (Garden Mum)

I just added this Garden Mum to my garden yesterday. After researching it I found it interesting that blooms

"are composed of many individual flowers (florets), each one capable of producing a seed. The disk florets are in the center of the bloom head, and the ray florets are on the perimeter. The ray florets are considered imperfect flowers, as they only possess the female productive organs, while the disk florets are considered perfect flowers, as they possess both male and female reproductive organs." (Wikipedia)

I purchased two plants in full bloom and the color certainly complements the rest of my garden. This photo was taken rather late and appears dark as a result

Celosia Plumosa

This annual adds additional color to my garden. It currently stands slightly over 1 ft high and has looked the same since I planted it in June. The blooms last 6 to 8 weeks making it a perfect plant for Calgary gardens

Lilium (Lily)

I don't know the type of lily that this is. I planted it several years ago and accidentally severed it with the edge trimmer in its first year. Since then it has done very well.