Friday, September 28, 2012

Tropical Flowering Plant

I photographed these on my last visit to the Calgary Zoo. I am not sure what they are but have an inquiry out to iidentify them. Once I find out the species, I will update this entry. They are just to pretty not to blog about now.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Astrocaryum Mexicanum (choco palm)

I photographed this amazing tropical plant while at the Calgary Zoo. I find it very intriguing. The placard was missing so I did not know the species but thanks to Zoo Staff, they quickly responded to an email I sent inquiring about it name and origin.

choco palm

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nothing but Green

Tonight I choose to post photographs that I took of foliage from the Calgary Zoo that displays only rich and deep green colors. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heliconia rostrata (Lobster Claw)

I captured this tropical plant while at the Calgary Zoo. Features a striking red bloom that resembles the claw of a lobster.

Heliconias are native to Central America, the Caribbean islands, South America, and some of the islands of the South Pacific. The attract hummingbirds.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Cynara scolymus (Globe Artichoke)

Another photo taken at the Calgary Zoo. Good soil is required to grow these along with regular watering and feeding.

Ornamental Grasses and Peacock

These photographs were taken over the weekend at the Calgary Zoo. As an added bonus I also included a photograph of a free roaming peacock. Not my best photograph but I was a little nervous and did not want to hang around the bird for too long.

Molinia Caerulea (Mooregrass)

Blue Fescue (I think)
The Peacock

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ornamental Cabbage

These photographs were taken on my weekend visit to the Dorothy Harvie Gardens at the Calgary Zoo. Although many find the animals the attracting feature of a zoo, I found the gardens to be more spectacular. I have taken many photos of which I plan to share over the next couple of weeks. I start with Ornamental Cabbage.

Ornamental cabbage look best in a large planting, where their color really stands out. They are low growing plants and make great border plants. If a large planting is not desired or not a possibility, plant these in containers