Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mighty Canyon Walls

There is something very surreal and majestic about being surrounded by towering mounds of rock carved by glacial activity and by the wrath of mother natures' power. Johnston Canyon, near Banff, Alberta in the Rocky Mountains of Canada is a stunning example of this. With views of towering waterfalls, tiered pools of mountain green water, and steep canyon walls Johnston Canyon is definitely a place to return to.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Waterfalls in waiting - For Spring Thaw

As Johnston Creek approaches the Bow River, it flows through a large canyon formed by erosion over thousands of years. The creek has cut through the limestone rock to form sheer canyon walls, as well as waterfalls, tunnels, and pools.

A popular hiking trail follows the canyon and leads to a meadow within the Johnston Valley above the canyon. The first part of the trail consists of a constructed walkway with safety rails and bridges, while the last part of the trail is natural and more rugged. Within the meadow are the Ink Pots, which are six blue-green spring-fed pools.