Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rudbeckia (black-eyed-susans)

These are not in my garden but they probably will be by tomorrow. I have always liked Rudbeckia and saw these at a local store today, contemplated purchasing them, but because of the lack of room in my garden, chose not to. However, I think I can make room.

Rudbeckia is a perennial with long flowering times making them a popular choice for gardeners.

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Bed of Roses

Well this ant certainly thought so.


I have several containers in my garden. This geranium is a container, complemented by pansies, lobelia, and dracaena. It is under an eave of the house and misses most rainfalls. Despite this, this geranium has done very well. I enjoy is deep pink color, much deeper than the pink geranium I have in my border.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Flower Photography

Again I am practicing photography skills. I photographed these flowers over the course of the last week. Only the last photo is from my garden. The other two were taken just outside the local supermarket.


This is a pretty blue flower that lies close to the ground. They are easy to grow in a rock garden or as an edging. They have been in bloom almost the entire summer and are still doing well despite the cooler evenings that we have been having lately. This photo's were taken September 4.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pink Zonal Geranium

This photograph is of a zonal geranium that I planted late in the season. I was afraid that perhaps it was too late and that it would not produce any blooms. But it proved me wrong and recently started to produce an abundance of blooms.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Part III: Flowers in Downtown Calgary

I recently did a nature walk through downtown Calgary and was amazed to see a well decorated park system with flowers and gardens. I took many photos and am using this opportunity to share them with you. This is the last of 3 parts.

Part II: Flowers in Downtown Calgary

I recently did a nature walk through downtown Calgary and was amazed to see a well decorated park system with flowers and gardens. I took many photos and am using this opportunity to share them with you.

Flower Photographs of Downtown Calgary

I recently did a nature walk through downtown Calgary and was amazed to see a well decorated park system with flowers and gardens. I took many photos and am using this opportunity to share them with you.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Garden Bloom

I love the color of this. There are many more ready to come but will September prove to be frost free...not in Calgary, but there is always hope