Saturday, August 24, 2013

Views along the Spray River Trail

The Spray River Trail is a 11 km trail that loops behind the Fairmont Spring Hotel in Banff, Alberta. It took about 4 hours to travel, could be done in 3 hours if you do not stop to take photographs. It is an easy trail to do. The only exception is that the bridge that crosses the river to bring you onto the return trail on the other side has been washed out because of the Alberta Flood so taking your shoes off and getting your feet wet is necessary if you don't want to return on the same trail. The photographs include a great view of the castle in the mountains (the hotel) and even some horseback riders.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mellow Yellow

These photographs were taken in Banff, Alberta, Canada at Cascade Gardens

So Many Mushrooms in the Wild

Once again I blog about the mushrooms I have photographed in the Alberta Rocky Mountains. I
There are so many varieties, of all different sizes and texture. These photographs are actually taken in the foothills of the Rockies

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wild Mushrooms

Continued from the previous post, these mushrooms can be found in the Alberta Rocky Mountains near Calgary, Canada. Amazing in texture, amazing in shape I thought it necessary to share these photographs that I took.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Rocky Mountain Mushrooms

There it appears to be an abundance of mushrooms in the Alberta Rocky Mountains this year. Perhaps it is because of the more than usual amount of moisture and humidity than what is normally experienced in this area. In the next several posts I want to showcase some of these mushrooms as they are an interesting botanical species. Initially, I wanted to split my posts into edible and non-edible mushrooms so did some research. However, mushrooms need to not only be identified by physical characteristic, but also the surroundings in which they grow, the formation patterns that they create when they grow and the texture and elasticity of its membrane. Perhaps taking an identification guide while in the field would make this task easier.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Views from Elbow River Trail

The Elbow River in Kananaskis Country, Alberta, Canada is a beautiful river valley with many excellent views. In this post, I share photographs that I took to try to depict the beauty of the river valley and the surrounding terrain.

Insects at work

I love being at the right place at the right time and value that when it comes to photography. On a recent hike near Elbow Falls in Kananaskis Country in Alberta, Canada, I was delighted to be able to photograph a bee at work and a butterfly at rest. The photographs are posted below.