Friday, August 17, 2012


I just added this cherry white rose delphinium to my garden this year. It just went into bloom this week. My other delphinium is a very nice shade of blue and is the envy of my neighbors because of its rich color (shown below). 

Delphinium is native throughout the Northern Hemisphere. All parts of these plants are considered toxic to humans, causing severe digestive discomfort if ingested, and also skin irritation.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cosmos bipinnatus (Mexican Aster)

This plant is an annual. It currently stands about 24 inches high and has many blooms. My only regret in the positioning of this plant in my garden is placing it along a white fence. The flower has lost some of its beauty as a result.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Tuberous-Rooted Begonia

I have identified this plant as a Tuberous-Rooted Begonia. The first picture is from early June and the last picture was taken this morning
  • Has amazing color for a shade plant
  • Keeps blooming all summer long!
  • Can be planted each year, again & again.
  • Can be divided 
If you want this plant from year to year, it needs to be dug up and stored over the winter months. I found this web page that provides instructions on storing and dividing this plant, Instructions

Salvia longispicata (Salvia)

This annual is part of the mint family. This particular plant has been named "Mystic Spires Blue" and stands about 18 inches high. It was in bloom when I planted it in early June. The name salvia, a Latin derivative means "health, well-being, prosperity or salvation", quite fitting to be in my garden as I am seeking all four of the elements in my life.