Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Photographing Kananaskis Village Area..1988 Olympic Site

Kananaskis Village was a 1988 Olympics site. While many people from around the world were in this beautiful mountain village to be a part of the Olympics some may have also found time to explore the great hiking trails and photographic opportunities that surrounded it. Over the years, Kananaskis village has grown to be a destination for vacationers, hikers and skiers. My posts over the next few days showcase the beauty that surrounds the outlying areas of the village as it is today. These photographs were taken on a recent hike to Troll Falls just steps from the village itself.

Troll falls is an easy hike. Many families were present as it was a gorgeous days in the Rocky Mountains. The hike itself is about 2 hours return and features a waterfall and many species of trees. On this day, travellers on snowshoes were abundant. My photographs today were taken with my DSLR and most were done with macro settings.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Cascading Waterfalls Halted by Winter

Troll Falls is located in Kananaskis Country, about one hour west of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. It is a short hike, taking approximately 2 hours return, but is situated near Kananaskis Village which offers great outdoor opportunities to turn the short hike into a day trip. This week I will feature photographs that I took while hiking this area.

The Waterfall

A glimpse behind the waterfall

A view from behind the falls
The top of the falls