Thursday, April 4, 2013

Macro-Photography in the Rocky Mountains

During my last visit to the Rocky Mountains I was able to get these amazing photographs of some of the natural vegetation. If I was to pick a category of photography that was my favorite it would be macro. I hope you enjoy these photographs as much as I do.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring Has Arrived

Spring has definitely arrived in Calgary. I hiked out at Grassi Lakes last weekend. Although I have hiked this area before, it is a mission of mine to visit some of the areas in the Rockies in all four seasons. Grassi Lakes is an easy hike a gradual elevation gain of 165 meters but its views are outstanding. Over the next few days, I will post additional photographs.

I have been asked why my posts are not as frequent as they were in the past. I spent the last few weeks focusing on the design of my website. I am pleased to announce a new look that is now mobile friendly. I have also been working on a book and had to meet a publishing deadline. The book has now been sent to the publishers. This means that I can return to posting here on a more regular basis.