Sunday, December 30, 2012

Historical Journey to the Rocky Mountains

Keeping with the historical theme, I travelled west to the Rocky Mountains on the Bow Valley Trail. I stumbled upon a church designated as an historical site. I realized the photographic opportunities that existed and when returning home immediately researched the historical significance. 

The church is known as the McDOUGALL MEMORIAL UNITED CHURCH and was constructed in 1875. It features the Carpenter`s Gothic Style of pointed arch windows and front door, shingled gabled roof and a steeple crowned by a pinnicle. The mission was the efforts of the the Methodist and was the first Protestant mission serving the native tribes in the southern Alberta area. Reverend George McDougall died in 1876. Click here for more historical information

These photos were taken with my new DSLR camera.

A long path leads to the entrance

Boarded up windows on the side

The front of the Rectory; the Reverends home

The back of the Reverends home

The historical steeple

A view from the back

Friday, December 28, 2012

Prairie Lands are not Boring

Most of my recent travels have taken me west to the Rocky Mountains. However, my last trip was east, into the heart of the Canadian Prairies. Although the topography is mainly flat, there are some scenic areas and history that lends itself well to the lens of a camera. I have included a few photographs of my journey.

An Abandoned Homestead

Prairie Winter Scene

A Prairie Sunset

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Whole Lot of Green and a Splash of Color

These photographs that I took at the Calgary Zoo have one thing in common; the primary color in each photograph is green but each photograph has its own splash of vivid colors marked with a blossom much smaller than the leaves that protrude from their stems.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Garden Photographs Helping Me Celebrate an Anniversary

This weekend was a time of reflection for me as it is the one year anniversary of an event that changed me forever. Although happy times prevailed, much of the year was a struggle and sometimes downright painful. I learned not to take things for granted and that there is not always a second chance. But I was introduced to so much more than I would have ever been had this event not occurred and as a result a new me emerged; spiritually, emotionally and physically...and for this I am thankful.

I post these photographs that were taken at the Calgary Zoo. To me they symbolize renewal, growth, and resiliency. Through the power of gardening and 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

For Lovers of Garden Color

Today was a rather cool day in Calgary. To warm things up I thought to share some photographs I took while at a local city garden. The color in these photos can warm any season and warmth to even those coldest days

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Boston Colour in Calgary Gardens

I had an opportunity to visit Boston several years ago. I fell in love with Harvard, the food, the subway system (yes, the subway system) and the gorgeous colours of fall. When I can capture, in Calgary, those colours that remind me of Boston I seize the opportunity. These are photographs taken in September that really reminded me of my wonderful experience in Boston. I also added a few photographs taken while in Boston.

Readers Rock Garden, Calgary

Readers Rock Garden, Calgary

Readers Rock Garden, Calgary

A Shopping Centre in Boston

The Harvard University Library

A Church on the Harvard Campus

Monday, December 10, 2012

Texture in the Plant World

It's all about texture. I chose these plants from photographs that I took in September to show that there is a tremendous amount of texture in the garden. These photo's taken at Readers Rock Garden in Calgary, Alberta certainly demonstrate that. Mixing and matching different, but interesting textures can create a beautiful garden. As I said in yesterdays post, something that I will absolutely consider when designing my garden next spring.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Different Shades of Green

A beautiful garden does not always need the colour of blooms and flowers. Just being mindful of the different shades of green that non-flowering plants possess can make for an absolutely gorgeous garden. This past summer, during my visit to Reader Rock Garden in Calgary, Alberta, I was able to take photographs that proved just that. I intend to use these photographs as a model for a portion of my garden next summer.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Deep Shadows and Intense Highlights in Calgary Garden

September is really a beautiful month in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Although many signs of fall can be seen, there are still many scenes of the summer past. This is evident from the photographs that I took at Readers Rock Garden which show high colour and leafy plants. Fall also offers the opportunity to capture deep shadows and intense highlights from the fall position of the sun. Enjoy these photographs of the past.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Summer Colors: A Season Missed (Part I)

Featuring photos taken last summer of garden flowers as promised in a previous post. These photographs are from my tour of Readers Rock Garden in Calgary. This is the first post of three of photographs not previously posted. The winter season is approaching and color from the summer season should be the cure for those winter blues.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Canyon Wonders: Waiting for the Thaw

A waterfall is featured at the very end of the Heart Creek Trail, east of Canmore, Alberta in the Rocky Mountains of Canada. It is located approximately 4 km from the trail head. Before you encounter the waterfall, the trail follows the bottom of a canyon and nearly parallels the creek that the falls spill into. You cross seven footbridges along the way. These photographs were taken at the end of November making for snow-covered canyon walls and water falls crystalized into a sheet of ice. The creek itself, in most parts stills runs freely and as you approach the falls, the sounds of gushing water can still be heard.

This is the last post of three parts of my hike at Heart Creek.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Winter Wonderland in the Canyon

There is nothing like hiking a trail through the depths of a canyon to come to realize just how small we as humans are in the scheme of the universe. However, the beauty of walking through a canyon, can make a person realize just how wonderful it is to be a part of that scheme.

During my hike last weekend at Heart Creek, east of Canmore, Alberta, Canada which is located in the Rocky Mountains, I was awed by the walls of the canyon, which narrowed on each side of me as I progressed into the heart of the trail. The fresh layer of snow and the sound of a swift moving creek made the experience all that much more meaningful.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Meandering Creek through a Mountain of Snow

Living less than an hour away from the Rocky Mountains in Canada is truly a blessing in disguise, particularly for those who like to spend the weekends hiking and for those who seek photographic opportunities. Every season brings something new and something different.

These photographs were taken Saturday at Heart Creek, just east of Canmore, Alberta. The stream, for the most part was still very much moving, but had some ice cover in the slower moving areas. The white snow lining the edges of the blue moving water, only adds to the serene experience of hiking in between the high walls of a mountain canyon.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Ice, Glass or Crystal? No, Water at Heart Creek!!

The sounds of a moving creek are soothing at any time of the year but when that time occurs after a long period of cold weather it can be even more appreciating. Hiking at Heart Creek just east of Canmore in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada I was privileged to be able to view and hear the sounds of rushing water cascading over the rocks and log jams along the route. Amazingly, the waterfall which is the primary feature of the hike was a block of solid ice

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mountain Lake Serenity

These photographs were taken at Upper Kananaskis Lake located in Kananaskis Country in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Although this particular day was cool no ice was yet forming on the waters. The trails that I hiked in this area, those around the lake were easy to hike with only slight elevation gain. This area is well travelled by bears so bear spray is an absolute necessity. I plan to return to the area in the spring/summer to hopefully do some back-country camping.