Monday, June 9, 2014

Picturesque Reader Rock Garden

I recently made my semi-annual visit to Reader Rock Garden in Calgary.

This historic garden is a tribute to one man's passion for plants and beauty. William Roland Reader was the Superintendent for The City of Calgary Parks from 1913 – 1942 who transformed a bare hillside into an internationally-acclaimed garden. During the turn of the century, it was common for horticulturists to collect alpine plants on their travels and create gardens as living artifacts of their journeys. Reader actively engaged in this practice and for thirty years the Garden trialed over 4000 different plant species, making it one of the few significant gardens in western Canada. Reader used the Garden as a showplace to educate people about the gardening potential of the prairie/foothills region of Alberta, particularly Calgary. 

The photographs here are of the spectacular collection that Reader Rock Gardens offer to the public at no charge...a wonderful place to spend a Sunday afternoon.

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