Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Autumn in Fishcreek Park

Gardening time in Calgary is nearly over. I did not get any snow like some others in the city did and my plants in the backyard have not been touched by frost yet. However, they are showing signs of a late season making photo opportunities more difficult to find. Tonight will could be my first frosty night so I covered the roses because I cut them so that I can take them to work for everyone to enjoy.

It is not the end of my blogging though. I plan on visiting various indoor gardens throughout the winter months and sharing any photographs that I take. Plus I have many that I have not shared with you (I took 3500 photos since August 1, not all of them good enough to share though)

I have chosen to feature the autumn colors of a very large local park that runs throughout the city of Calgary. I will share these over then next few days. Here is a sampling of what you can expect to see.

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